@HolyWords, where art thou?

by | Dec 17, 2010 | Uncategorized | 0 comments


For almost two years a mysterious tweeter with the username @HolyWords (aka “Soul Food”) has been blessing the timelines of its 20,000 followers with 140 characters of daily inspiration…and now suddenly they’re not.

I know what you’re thinking. So what, there’s like a go-zillion tweeters cluttering up the twitosphere with quotes meant to inspire us to  become higher life forms. And, you’re right. Puh-leeze, just enter the word “quotes” in the Twitter search box and you’ll get a username list too long to scroll to the bottom of.  These well-meaning tweeters really do have some good stuff to share too, but you also get to wade through a sea of  mind-blowing spiritual epiphanies such as “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels,”  “A parent is only as good as their dumbest kid,” or “Don’t drink the pee-pee” (Thank you IamDiddy for blessing my timeline with the word “pee-pee” like 17,455 times this year.)

The beauty of @HolyWords was its unique, succinct, minimalist way of sharing some pretty deep life advice, and asking the world and its religions to get along at the same time. Not by bombarding  us with fifty messages a day, but with just one–one thought of the day from a variety of holy books. A thought which, if pondered and acted upon, really would make us and the world just a bit better than we were the day before.

@HolyWords last tweeted on November 2nd and we haven’t heard a peep out of ’em since.

So, I’m thinking maybe researching the world’s religions and posting a short but meaningful spiritual snippet every day just got to be a little overwhelming. Maybe the holy tweeter started feeling like nobody really cared if they silenced themselves forever. Maybe they are in the hospital or in jail. Maybe they’re an unemployed 99er and can’t pay the DSL bill. Maybe they joined a monastery and have taken a vow of silence. Or, maybe @HolyWords is simply in need of a little appreciation and inspiration, and they’ll get right back to sharing.

Believing it’s the latter, I would like to share some reasons why @HolyWords should tweet again:

1. @HolyWords has landed on the following lists:

  • Top 20 Most Inspirational People on Twitter (Listorious.com)
    (Also on that list are Tony Robbins, Deepak Choprah, Michael Beckworth and Ekhart Tolle)
  • Twitter’s Top 40 Most Influential (WeFollow.com)
  • Twitter’s Top 3 Scripture (WeFollow.com)
  • Top 1% of all retweeted tweeters (of Twitters 200 million users)

2. @HolyWords  has been added to more than 500 individual Twitter member’s own lists. These are lists with names like:

  • rare-tweet-garden
  • in-need-of-inspiration
  • got-my-attention
  • GlobeIsRound
  • uInspireMe
  • SoulSoother
  • WordsWorthRetweeting
  • SpiritFuel

What I’m trying to get across to you, @HolyWords, is that you have some pretty impressive stats for an account that has a mere  20,000 followers.

And, if that’s not inspiring enough for you, how about the fact that there are celebrity tweeters with millions of followers who not only read your daily tweets, but have favorited them and retweeted them to their own followers.

I’m sure there are more celebs following you then are listed here, but I was able to confirm these:

  • @TheEllenShow
  • @JessicaSimpson
  • @RainnWilson
  • @4EverBrandy
  • @MsLaurenLondon
  • @TiaMowry
  • @QuietStorm32 (Chicago Bulls’ CJ Watson)
  • @MissMya
  • @ThisIsNivea
  • @PaulWallBaby
  • @DonteStallworth

The bottom line is we want you back.

So, I am asking all @HolyWord lovers to send an @ message from your Twitter account requesting more tweets.

I’m going to post this one on my timeline tonight:

@HolyWords >>
We love you, Soul Food…
…and we’re hungry 🙂


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