
Scott Heron’s Music ‘Reflected Black Anger’ (WTH ?!) I Can’t…

On Friday, May 27th, 2011, Gil Scott-Heron died, and it was up to the rest of us left here on Earth to decide whether that mattered much. Within hours, the Internet began buzzing about his life, his incredible talent, and the impression his words and music left on the...

Sometimes ‘Scientists’ Really Aren’t

Sometimes ‘Scientists’ Really Aren’t

If you haven't heard or read about Psychology Today blogger Satoshi Kanazawa's recent proclamation that he could "scientifically" explain why Black women are the least attractive women on earth, consider yourself fortunate to not have that garbage in your head. (The...

Thor Haters Are Playing the Double Standard Card

In Norse mythology Heimdall is described as "the whitest of the gods," which adds interesting irony to the controversy surrounding the casting of Idris Elba as Heimdall in the blockbuster hit Thor. Thousands of upset comic book fans have posted angry Internet comments...

White (Skinned) For a Day…

This has got to be one of the saddest things I've ever seen. This is Toni Morrison's "The Bluest Eye" in REAL LIFE. How do you undo this kind of damage done to someone's identity? How does someone live in their skin when they are this disturbed by it? What's bizarre...

Tyler Perry is Free

Tyler Perry is Free

I have a vivid memory of a city bus ride I took with my father when I was eight years old. We were on our way to the science museum and there were some young Black kids in the back of the bus acting up. Nothing outlandish--just a few unsupervised pubescents being...

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